Musical Challenge Number (2)

Dear Fasle Royesh members, the world of music is a world of colors and rhythms, and every vibration in nature will have a unique sensory effect on us. We would like to invite you to an exciting challenge.

Each of you has items at home that, by vibrating or striking them, can produce a specific rhythm. Through repetition and a clear structure, you can turn it into a rhythmic musical piece. Of course, you must first practice, design, and master the execution before recording it.

These items and objects, when struck, produce sounds with high and low frequencies. With continuous execution, variety in rhythm, and emphasis on beats, they will lead us to a captivating percussion music that is worth listening to.

This type of playing is also widely used in orchestras, where we refer to them as percussion instruments. Many pieces have been written for these instruments. These instruments are frequently used in orchestras and include: bass drum, snare drum, triangle, tambourine, cymbal, and timpani, which are also tuned.

We would be delighted if you join us in this challenge and send your works in the form of a short film (maximum three minutes) to the Fasle Royesh magazine, Music Challenge section. The most diverse and unique performance and design will receive a valuable prize.

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