༺✿ Our Story ✿༺

The Story of Fasle Royesh

Everything in this world has a beginning, a season! The day begins with the rising of the sun, the forest with the growth of seeds, humanity with birth, creativity with seeing the world differently, the new year with spring, and we with the seed of growth! It seems the world longed for a birth, and the breeze whispered to the seed the love of the homeland, preparing it for its destiny. Now, it is the season of growth. The winds have blown, the lightning struck, the rains poured, and the warm spring sun rose. From the earth, we grew and emerged, caressed by the wind, which whispered: “Rise! Grow tall, so you may soar through the skies of culture and knowledge like a falcon!”

A hope, a wish! Took root in the heart of culture and knowledge, and with love, we sprouted, determined to rise above all other saplings, to reach the sky. We became creative, playful, and thoughtful—like a falcon, keenly observing, seeing clearly, making choices, and landing on the shoulders of each and every young soul, guiding them to happiness! The growth of all became the creed of Fasle Royesh. We must experience many seasons, from infancy to maturity, to wisdom.

With sharp eyes, we focused on minds, with hearts that beat for all. The falcon, full of energy, soared above the seedlings who dream of success and prosperity for their homeland. Again, the wind whispered to us: “You must rise beneath the shade of the ancient trees,” and we rose! Under the shade of friends, youth, men, and women, who, in the embrace of nature, smile and joyfully stretch to the sky. The falcon, listening to their hearts, joined them in their dance and laughter.

We listened. We whispered. We dreamt, and we reached a pure generation! Our hearts, like crystal, mirrored the hearts of this generation—clear like glass! We ventured into their minds—oh, how ambitious they are, how creative, how unique! So, we had to act, to be seen by this generation. But how? We got to work…

In our minds, we found ourselves on a path filled with beautiful dreams and hopes. With excitement, we rose through the eager eyes of the youth, and in their hands, we formed into the shape of a falcon. With song and joy!

We hope for the day when our leaves will grow, and the falcon will reach the peak. Fasle Royesh will soar not only among the youth of Iran but among the youth of the entire world!

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